1YRSShenzhen Longgang Ruru Trading Firm

Ikhtisar Perusahaan

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Informasi dasar
Shenzhen Longgang Ruru Trading Firm is a trading company specialized in electronic components wholesaling, and also the professional agent and distributor of some world famous electronic components brands, like SIEMENS, PANASONIC, TI, Xilinx, SCHNEIDER, ABB, SAMSUNG, TOSHIBA, ON, AMPHENOL, HITTITE. We offer a full range of electronic components, including IC, diodes, inductor, memory, MCU, transistors, connectors, capacitors, resistors, relay, inductance, magnetic beads, sensors, crystals, modules and others, cooperating with nearly 400 manufactures, stocking over 4 billion components. Our slogan is 'Believe In Globalization, Lower Your Cost'. Although we are a new company found in 2020, our team is made up by a group of elites in the electronic components industry, with totally 30 years experience. We found that there are still some non-standard or non-professional operations or conducts in the industry, so we gather together to solve these problems. We are full of energy and passion to make the electronic components industry better. We provide a full range of electronic components and supply chain and manufacturing solutions for customers from all over the world. We advocate quality assurance, quick delivery, competitive prices and excellent services to attract overseas buyers. Our company is professional in screening and monitoring suppliers in China, to lower global buyers' costs and risk. We established a solid, assiduous, harmonious and highly-efficient team as well as good corporate identity in applicable areas recently. Our mission is to become your Chinese long-term electronic components suppliers.
  • Transaksi
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Jenis Usaha
Perusahaan Dagang, Kantor Pembelian, Agen, Distributor/Grosir
Negara / Wilayah
Guangdong, China
Jumlah Karyawan
5 - 10 People
Pendapatan Tahunan Total
US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million
Tahun Berdiri
Sertifikasi Produk
Merek Dagang
Pasar Utama


Shipping to be negotiated
Easy Return
Shipping to be negotiated
Easy Return
Shipping to be negotiated
Easy Return

Kapasitas R & D

Penelitian & Pengembangan

Less than 5 People